Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wasting Time

Those of you who haven't killed time on Internet Movie DataBase are missing out. Did you know...

Corbin Bernsen (of Major League and L.A. Law fame) has one of the world largest collections of snow globes...over 6000!

Here's a user comment I found on the "Dog the Bounty Hunter" forum...

Some of you comment on the way they are dressed and what they did when they where younger I have been a bail agent for 21 years now and believe me they put their lives on the line everyday with that in mind does it really matter what they are wearing and as far as what they did they paid their dues they did their time and for Dog to go out and change after that well I don't know I guess you are perfect and have never sinned or felt deep remorse for those sins. He made his life better he now has morals how many people now can say that. As far as I can see no one cares about anyone anymore it is a rare thing to see another human being actually take the time to help someone else and you are going to mock that everything must be perfect in your world how about joining the real world

Now, I'm no grammarian (a fun game: find the double negative in this post) but those are the longest sentences I've seen since I gave up on Faulkner. I get the feeling that the writer was just too fucking pissed about some asshole besmirching Dog's good name to take time to punctuate. I feel sorry for the writer's spouse, who undoubtedly had to endure a none-too trenchant pantsing of modern society as interpreted by this 21 year veteran of the bail-bond trade.

But the ultimate timewaster has to be Here's what's happening over there. While their lazy-ass cats are sleeping, people cover them with shit - all kinds of shit like candy, cd's, post-it notes, whatever - then take photos and submit them to the site. Any photo qualifies as long as there's a cat with something on it. Like dogs, musical instruments, bananas, spare change....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you telling me you have never put a remote on The Turtle Belly? I know I put feather pillows on The Sheep. Or rather he puts them on himself.