Friday, January 06, 2006

Shooting Fish in a Barrel

My favorite targets are generally religious zealots. Given that, I know there can't be an easier target in America than Pat Robertson. So it's hardly fair that I pants him here on the blog. However, his recent statements about Israeli PM Ariel Sharon's stroke being punishment for pulling Israeli troops out of the Gaza Strip prompted me to let him hang himself. Forthwith, I begin a Greatest Hits of Robertsonian Comic Genius. Feel free to contribute your own if you know of some good 'uns. On with the show:

Robertson said that God told him: "I will remove judges from the Supreme Court quickly, and their successors will refuse to sanction the attacks on religious faith." Robertson also said that he "heard it from the Lord" that President Bush will have Social Security and tax reform passed and that Muslims will turn to Jesus Christ.

" of the fundamental principles we have in America is that the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and attempts to undermine the commander in chief during time of war amounts to treason."

"But look at Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The stuff that she believed in was absolutely outlandish, you know, polygamy, legalized prostitution, legalized -- the age of consent dropped to 12."

STEPHANOPOULOS: You said...that the out-of-control judiciary -- and this was in your last book, Courting Disaster -- is the most serious threat America has faced in nearly 400 years of history, more serious than Al Qaeda, more serious than Nazi Germany and Japan, more serious than the Civil War?
ROBERTSON: George, I really believe that.

After Orlando, Florida, city officials voted in 1998 to fly rainbow flags from city lampposts during the annual Gay Days event at Disney World, Robertson issued the city a warning: "I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you. ... [A] condition like this will bring about the destruction of your nation. It'll bring about terrorist bombs, it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes and possibly a meteor."

COLMES: When you say he's got the favor of heaven, are you implying that that -- he is God's choice and that God preferred him over John Kerry?
ROBERTSON: Obviously, if you think the Lord rules in the affairs of men, he did because he sure won. He had 3.5 million more votes.
COLMES: -- Doesn't that mean that at one time, Pat, Bill Clinton was God's choice for president?
HANNITY: No, he just allowed -- allowed that to happen.
COLMES: Let me ask Pat.
HANNITY: We're out of time.
ROBERTSON: I think -- I think He [God] wanted to bring America to its knees so we'd start praying harder.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Robertson, Oral Roberts, Swaggart, et al, are nuts, but they are easy targets. Why don't you discourse on Iran's PM?

Steve said...

You forget Preacher Falwell who declared that we deserved 9/11 because of drugs, sex, rock-n-roll and other forms of moral turpitude.

Iran's Holocaust-denying Ahmadinijad (or some such) is almost as easy a target as Robertson. What I wonder is how the large population of reform-minded Iranian youth are responding to his hardline invective. You used to get reports of large anti-theocracy sentiment from this group, but that seems to stop...probably because the state thought police have stepped in. That's a bad place, especially because nationalism trumps rationalism.