Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bring back the War Department

This post is not meant to be a shrill anti-Bush rant, but I'm not sure how we can defend the Orwellian name of the Department of Defense. Bush was clear tonight as he has been since his second inagural that he believes his mission is to end tyranny in the world. By his invasion of Iraq, this certainly means that military options are in play to end such tyranny. Therefore, we need to either bring back the old "War Department" and make rummy the SecWar or rename it the Department of Offense. I think it's a real reach to think that what we're doing in Iraq is defensive. I'd be honored to die, or have a relative die, in defense of my country, but I'm not sure that I'm willing to die so some Iraqi can elect fundamentalists associated with Iran. The only way in which it's even a smidgen justified is if you twist football phrase and say the best defense as a good offense. I don't anticipate any foreign armies taking Venice Beach, Galveston, or the Jersey Shore any time soon. That's where you'd have an aptly named DoD. Maybe call it the Dept of Ending Tyranny Abroad so Freedom Can Be On the March, but DOETASFCBOTM doesn't seem to fit with the military's love of acronyms.

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