Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Going to the Mattresses

I don't think I'll get too much argument if I say that what politicians in power want more than anything else is to remain in power. When they come under fire, they "go to the mattresses" to defend that power. When the Clinton administration was in the throes of Blow-gate, they obviously were trying desperately to maintain power and therefore weren't focused on their obligation to what's best for our country. They did some dumb things that caused harm to the country...especially with respect to neglecting terrorism. We didn't know about this until years after it mattered.

Now we are facing what is likely to be the most scandal-plagued year in decades. It's also an election year with polls not looking good for those in power. The "ins," in my opinion, will do anything to maintain power even if it does harm to the country. For instance, I think the administration will prematurely withdraw troops regardless of progress in Iraq to drum up electoral support and boost polling.

What other dumb shit will be done in the next twelve months to try and hold on to power? If past is precis, we can count on utter stupidy the likes of which boggles the mind. This is an administration with robust record of doing stupid things for the sake of political power.

It's even more problematic because there are scandals in the White House, Senate, and House. This will be a grotesquely partisan ugly year. My hope is always that centrist candidates will strike a chord, but these scandals will likely ignite the freakish bases of both parties and drown out any pragmatism. What wedge issues will be drummed up to distract the electorate from what really matters?


Anonymous said...

The Democrats have a problem too. In their own words, "It's the economy, stupid", and it's doing well. This is why W's numbers have started to have a dead-cat-bounce.

Steve said...

You think it's that or the latest Powerpoint press push aimed at the lowest common denominator? He was back again today with his most villainous rhetorical flourish...those that criticize the war effort are emboldening the enemy (i.e. treasonous terrorist-lovers). He showed real nuts by giving the speech in front of the VFW.