Monday, March 13, 2006

McCain Sellout Watch

We've witnessed the beginning of what will be a series of sickening episodes over the course of the next two years. John McCain, former maverick firebrand who, in 2000, was screwed over by Bush in South Carolina, has realized he can't win without selling his soul to the religious-Bushian right. He recently said that he would sign the South Dakota abortion bill that outlaws abortion even in the case of rape or incest. He also implored voters in the Tennessee straw poll not to vote for him, but to write-in Bush's name because it's a patriotic thing to do when we're a country at war. He has also cratered by supporting the Bush position of teaching intelligent design based on showing "all the theories," supporting the port debacle, and flip-flopping in tax-cuts.

McCain was once a tolerable Republican to me, because he seemed to be fiercely independent, pragmatic, and not in the pocket of the religious right. Count me off that bandwagon.

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