Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I believe immigrants should learn English. Most immigrant groups, desiring to be assimilated, have also wished this same thing although it usually takes a generation. But, of course, there are zealots like Sen. Tom Tancredo (R-Co) for which this isn't enough. Tancredo, oblivious to history, says this:

"English is the language of this country, and we should not be ashamed of that. It holds us all together regardless of where we come from, regardless of our backgrounds, our histories. It doesn't matter. We need that thing to hold us together."

Sounds like he would like to sweep cleen any evidence of immigration other than the Mryflower. Sweep clean the Chinese and Irish immigrants that built the railrod. Sweep clean the Africans that, as slaves, reaped our crops. Sweep clean the humongous amount of work Mexican laborers do all over the country.

I think if Tancredo had his way he'd rename all of our cities. If you look at the names of cities, you see how diverse we are:

San Anonio = Tancredo would rename to St. Anthony
Pennsylvania = Penn's Woods
Vermont = Green Mountain

No telling what Tancredo woul do to Indian names like Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, and Arizona.


Suzette said...

Speaking of Immigrants and the English language, John Edwards says he's not for Amnesty; however he is for a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented individuals who are living in the U.S. now. He says there should be two primary qualification requirements:

1. Pay fine for coming unlawfully
2. Learn to speak English

I'll go for that. And if we have to listen to recordings, put the english one first. I resent having to listen to spanish before english when choosing the numbers to a recorded phone tree.

Dick Logan said...

or Utah.