Thursday, January 17, 2008

Condensed Book Reviews

Recently, I've finished the last two Cormac McCarthy books. I'm really not one for book reviews, but I'll do my best...or something. I decided to knock out The Road, and No Country for Old Men on advice from a friend.

I'm used to the beautiful Faulkner-esque sentence construction, combined with the blood-and-guts brutality of his border trilogy and Blood Meridian. These latest books deviate quite sharply from his former writings.

They are both well worth reading and I highly recommend them both. I'll say that I can't wait to see No Country the movie because it reads like a screenplay. The Road, however, should be read not seen. This is no pulp fiction thrill ride. I've never read anything remotely like it in my life. No character in the book has a name, or needs it. The best books demand that the reader manufacture the scenes, characters, and interactions. This book demands a lot of the reader, and the reader is better off for it.

OK, enough book reviews. I'm reading some crazy shit right now that my mother-in-law gave me. She and I generally enjoy the same books so I'm sticking with it...


Unknown said...

My wife's aunt got me "The Road" for Christmas because she knows that I like post-apocalyptic style stories.

I have no idea when I'll have time to read it.

Anonymous said...

Obviously I love both those books. Just finished the last of the Border Trilogy as well. My favorite writer.