Saturday, February 16, 2008

Fascism Roundup

I've been painted as a hysteric on other websites because I took the bait and made a most unfortunate move...playing the Hitler card with respect to our goverment. Without a doubt, we are not headed down that path, as we will have a peaceful tranfer of government next year and there will be no holocaust here. I mentioned Hitler, in my comment, as a cautionary remark because of the gradual manner in which he took power, which reminds me of the Bush administration's gradual power-grab.

Hitler was popularly elected and manipulated the government to concentrate powers in the executive branch, much as Bush has done. He relied on Joseph Goebbels to spread propoganda across Germany, similar to how Bush relied on Cheney to continually link al-Qaeda with Iraq long after the jury was in and decided there was no connection.

My argument, that I've made here many times, is that our government relies on checks and balances, which have been absent in the last eight years allowing the executive branch to call all of the shots. I firmly believe this was based on a callous decision to take advantage of 9/11 to push the neo-conservative agenda.

I mentioned Hitler, obviously, because he's the best known dictator of our age. I could, and possibly should, have referred to what Robert Mugabe has done in Zimbabwe, or Mao, Idi Amin, Suharto, Duvalier, Franco, Mussolini, or Pol Pot.


Anonymous said...

I've been told that Hitler gave inspirational that true?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Hitler did, so did JFK, Reagan and Obama