Friday, February 15, 2008

Crossposting Rants

I've been involved in an interesting discussion over here. Francis took umbrage at Keith Olbermann referring to Bush as a fascist. I agreed with him at first, then I thought about it a bit. Something I didn't mention in my comments was the craven way in which Bush took advantage of a national tragedy, 9/11, to fearmonger and create an environment for more war. We should have been in Afghanistan stronger and not in Iraq at all. This is possibly why I like Obama. The last election was about fear...Bush trying t scare the hell out of people into a second term. He scared his base enough to get elected by two or three percent, then claimed a mandate. What a fool. Maybe I'm a fucking sucker, but I like a campaign that's not based on trying to scare me into a bomb shelter. I think McCain will run on fear and try to repeat what Bush did in 2004...he's got nothing on the economy. Sheesh.

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