Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holiday Readership Roundup

Over the course of the holidays, I ran into quite a few of our lurkers (people that read the blog religiously, but don't comment). All of them had great things to say, so obviously we're doing something right. And there's way more regular readers than just a half dozen people.

One of my goals for the next year is to continue to expand our readership modestly. I have no goal to be a big national blog, but I want to encourage more vigorous debate like we've seen on the Tookie issue or the textbook debate. If you know people that might enjoy the forum, feel free to forward the link.

I also hope to enlist more regular contributors to increase and diversify our content. I'd really like more commentary on books, music, sports, social issues and culture. If anyone would like to be a contributor, feel free to either comment or send me an email at steve_buck_1999@yahoo.com.

Also, several folks have refrained from commenting because they were unaware that one can comment anonymously or under a pseudonym. You can and please do. When you click the comment link, you have the option to either register, comment under a name of your choosing, or comment anonymously.

Another common theme seems to be that because I devour all news, I assume everyone else does as well and don't give enough background on many of my political posts. I'll try to improve in this area; not by toning down the content or spoonfeeding in any way...just doing a little more setup.

Thanks to all readers and contributors for your participation and your comments.

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