Friday, December 16, 2005

Freedom Erosion Watch

More evidence of Bush playing fast and loose with civil liberties: the NSA has been spying on people in America without courd orders. Next thing you know I'll be forced to quarter troops in my house. Do laws mean anything to these people? When can we have an accountability moment?

Also on the "Freedom Erosion Watch," it appears that the GOP is going to exercise some political passive aggressiveness with respect to the Patriot Act. Even though there's a compromise on the table and there's very little standing in the way of passage with improvements to its civil rights implications, the GOP is going to refuse to compromise on allowing the FBI into people's library records. The reason...the can then say the Dem's refused to extend the Patriot Act and are therefore Pro-Terrorist; and they believe this will make a good campaign issue for the 2006 midterms. They don't have much more to run on, so they're willing to feign principle and hurt the country to get a political issue.

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