Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Curb Your Blogging...

Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld fame posted over at Huffpost. He was having trouble sleeping. Excerpt of what was going through his mind as he tried to get some shut-eye:

No matter how hot it is, the bottom of the pillow still stays cool. One day I’d like to ask a scientist about that. Of course, I never really get to meet any scientists. You’d think I’d run into a scientist at some point. I like how they keep saying the science isn’t in on global warming. They just don’t know. No proof. But, of course, it’s in on God. Lots of proof on that. Tons of empirical evidence. They got God’s DNA...You'd think anyone who believes this stuff would be so embarassed they'd keep it to themselves. But those maniacs shout it from the rooftops and they're running our country. God talks to Bush all the time. I don’t care if you’re President, if you say God talks to you, you’re a schizophrenic and a menace to society. You should be on drugs in a mental institution, like the Son of Sam. What’s the difference between God or a dog talking to you? It’s still a voice in your head. That means you’re certifiably fucking crazy!


Anonymous said...

Science is in on God? Since when? And on global warming, we are to believe Larry? because of all of his evidence?

Steve said...
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Steve said...

Are you aware that Larry is a comedian? From Seinfeld?

He's crackin' wise on the whole "science is in on God" bit.

But with respect to global warming, I'll be sure to check in with some musicians and actors before I make my final decision.

Steve said...

By the way, Jim, you should get HBO. Ten bucks a month ain't gonna kill you.

Anonymous said...

I have HBO, I have seen every episode of CURB, it's my fave show, but when these comedians start ranting, it's tough to distinguish between reality and comedy, ala Al(I AM A COMPLETE SMARMY SELF SATISFIED dumbshit) Franken

Larry is genius, my gurad goes up when these fools wade in scientific waters though


Anonymous said...


Steve said...

I would have linked to a bunch of scholarly science sites that render the global warming debate as indisputable and moot as the evolution debate...but I was kinda shitfaced at the time.