Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Islam Problem

Islam in general needs to take responsibility for their right wing. If they don't, their religion will become synonymous with violence even to left-leaners like me. This shit in France is preposterous...as well as jeopardizing my vacation plans for next year. I'm sure the reactionaries over there are already calling for mass deportations. Look at the major flashpoints in the world:

  1. The World. Bin Ladenists have proven they have global reach to blow people up just about anywhere, from Bali to Tanzania to London and New York.
  2. Iraq.
  3. Israel/Palestine
  4. Afghanistan
  5. Kashmir
  6. Chechnya
  7. Sudan
  8. Political assasinations in Lebanon by Syria.
  9. Iranian support for terrorist groups inside Israel/Palestine.

It's pretty clear what all these have in common. And America neither has the means, the mandate, or the intelligence to straighten this out. I frankly don't see much leadership among moderate, peaceful Muslims denouncing the extreme actions of the fringe. Are they scared?

I'm no fan of the Iraq war or the American boneheads behind it and I realize that American actions have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths of innocent Iraqis. Conversely, how can tactics like arbitrary beheadings build popular support for the "insurgent" movement among rank-and-file Iraqis. What Iraqi mother in her right mind would align herself with barbarity?

So now we have a lunatic minority and a mute majority. Absent stong leadership, it won't be long before those of us that still want to believe that Islam is a religion of peace will declare we have a billion pariahs.

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