Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Demonic or unprincipled

E.J. Dionne is correct in saying that there's something missing from the debate about the runup to war. This occurred during the 2002 midterm elections. The GOP strategy was to paint the Dems as unpatriotic and baldly use 9/11 as the hammer with which to drive it home. So, many of the Dems caved in and voted for the war because, in light of the public context, they felt it would have been politically disastrous to do otherwise.

So while the Reps behaved more crassly than imaginable,

In New Mexico, Republican Steve Pearce ran an advertisement against Democrat John Arthur Smith declaring: "While Smith 'reflects' on the situation, the possibility of a mushroom cloud hovering over a U.S. city still remains."

many Dems, admittedly bullied, revealed themselves to be wholly unprincipled and desperate to maintain their loose grip on power. Remember, before the midterms, the Dems were the majority in the Senate with Daschle as leader thanks to Jeffords defection from the GOP.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I believe in being principled above being on a winning team. How about that! I believe in a third way even if it means losing. The Dems I think represent me better right now, but I will probably continue to vote third party unless there's an outside chance my vote means something.