Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My View on the Mortgage Bailout

Two words: caveat emptor. If people aren't smart enough to know that an adjustable rate mortgage may "adjust," they should be renting.


Pete said...

I'm regularly accused of being a liberal because I feel like we should take care of each other, and that the government should be involved in that process of taking care, despite what the religious right would have you believe. However, the thought of the government bailing out people who bought over their heads and should have known full well what they were doing makes my blood boil. Let 'em deal with it like everyone else: take the loss, declare bankruptcy, get another job or two, sell a kidney, whatever they have to do to learn to stop living beyond their means.

BruceH said...

What does GW's "Ownership Society" have to do with this crisis? Its also convenient for the banks in that they changed the bankruptcy laws in 2005. I bet the banks still make out like bandits. i.e. The money made from people that will struggle, but still make their payments, probably far outweighs the writeoffs from foreclosures. I say f everybody that moved into a 4000 square foot house to keep up with the Jones'.

Steve said...

I should clarify that I think we should fully prosecute predatory lending practices...