Thursday, December 13, 2007

Scat Lounge Question + Whisky tasting

I have it on pretty good authority that there's no cigar smoking inside the Scat Lounge. Can anyone from the W&C community confirm? I can see both sides, but a few of our readers (and the writer) enjoy a good smoke now and then.

By the way, I attended a very good scotch and cigar tasting at Bar 9 tonight and heard that there will be another one next week on Wednesday about six. Scotch is provided by local distributors and smokes by my good friends at Tobacco Lane downtown (in the Sinclair Building at 5th and Main).

1 comment:

Pete said...

No idea about the cigars. I can see the justification for banning them; it's pretty confined in there, and even with the ventilation working overtime, a ton of smokers could overwhelm the place.

I suspect this is an area where we'll disagree. I favor a TOTAL California-style ban on smoking in every pseudo-public area (including straight-up bars).