Friday, May 19, 2006


Even though I think much of the recent immigration hubbub is just smokescreen for a crumbling government, I'll weigh in:

Fence: What? We didn't have one? Sure, build a fence, we're a country for chrissakes. If I need a fence around my property, we should damn sure have one around our border.

National ID Card: Sounds like a fine idea, and don't just limit it to immigrants. As strongly as my civil libertarian streak is, this just doesn't frighten me. I have a passport and a driver's license and a SSN, so it seems to me we already have national ID cards. It seems to me that if you don't want identification, you're probably up to no good.

English as National Language: Don't agree. Blatant attempt to stir up xenophobia among rednecks. I agree that immigrants should learn English, but if they don't do we give them a ticket?

Deporting 12 Million People: Right, let's see that. Look at more pragmatic solutions, like the one Bush suggested that caused a schism in his party. Whatever you do, don't deport the guys that cut my grass.

Speaking of which, that didn't seem very savvy politically. Is Rove shivering in his boots about being indicted that he's lost his usual acute political perception? Bush's biggest problem right now is defectors from his own party, and then he comes out with his amnesty suggestion which is a handgrenade to party unity. I don't get it.

1 comment:

Dick Logan said...

As someone who just hired an Indian Ph.D. to do menial lab work, I wholeheartedly agree that there are plenty of jobs that Americans (for whatever reason) just won't do.