Friday, October 21, 2005

Intellectual Consistency

Bruce commented:

OK, so lets say the prohibition on drugs is lifted. Then what? Do you buy a pack of columbian gold at the 7-11? Who will be the big pot growers? Phizer? Marlboro? How will our weed compare to the world's weed? Will a pot smoker be able to buy it on Sundays? How does this impact the immigration problem, or does it?I would like to hear your "and this is how it plays out" rrhea.

Those are all good questions, and I'm sure it would be heavily regulated like you suggest.

But I don't think we're ever likely to be faced with the implementation specifics.
The religious community is too powerful when it comes to imposing on personal freedom. You think social security is a third rail!

I think it's all about intellectual consistency. I'm by no means always a consistent thinker, but the bar should be higher in this country for consistency. We hate abortion but we love the death penalty. The right wants freedom for guns but wants to restrict freedom of thought or ideas...i.e. censorship. It's all about how we deal with dangerous things. I think we should be consistent and we should consistently support personal freedom in all cases.

I'm sure I'll say something inconsistent pretty soon and that I'll be revealed as a hypocrite. This is an ideal. In reality, I'd support more of a "pragmatic libertarianism".

1 comment:

Steve said...

That's a great line. "Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds" Very seasonal too!