Wednesday, March 15, 2006

News Whip

I'm so beaten down by current events lately. Excuse me, but I can't work up enough emotion to blog about raising the eight trillion dollar debt ceiling or the morass in Iraq/Iran. I guess Mike Wallace retiring is news, but the man is 88 years old. Retire already. My interest this morning spiked a little when I saw this headline at Drudge: GEOLOGISTS: AFRICA SPLITTING APART, NEW OCEAN FORMING. But it was typical Drudgian hyperbole. The active area seems to be about the size of Palo Pinto County with the "new ocean" about the size of Possum Kingdom Lake. And so, the following...

What image does your brain conjure when you read that Germany "is deploying an army of prostitutes to satisfy the needs of libidinous fans during the month-long 2006 World Cup"? To me it's kind of an S&M thing, because you know jackboots are involved. I suppose if the Germans are going for another massive remilitarization, I'd prefer they be hookers. However, there is some concern that domestic supply may not meet the demand. The article continues, "German media had reported in recent months that up to 40,000 women would be smuggled into the country to work as sex slaves during the World Cup." Ah, Globalization!

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