Saturday, November 24, 2007

More Moving the Goalposts...

Since the days of "shock and awe" how many times have we read articles like this:

With American military successes outpacing political gains in Iraq, the Bush administration has lowered its expectation of quickly achieving major steps toward unifying the country, including passage of a long-stymied plan to share oil revenues and holding regional elections.

How long until we declare complete victory and leave?

1 comment:

BruceH said...

The real problem is...

We, through the monotonous drone of the mainstream media, are talking about "success" from the surge. How can that be? In school, if I successfully completed 3 of 18 assignments, I would have gotten an F, or a G. How do you get past the psyop being thrust upon us by the Administration and the MSM? There are many enemies here.