Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hooray for Checks and Balances

I'm lighting a victory cigar and hoisting a celebratory cocktail in favor of the return of government as the founders meant. While I'm sure many of the Democrat's lawyers are gearing up for the Virginia recount, I hope some of them are sober and at their offices typing up subpoenas for Dick Cheney. In the next week, I hope to light another cigar celebrating the firing of Rumsfeld.

Texas, as usual, is a severe disappointment. More Kay and more pollution from Joe Farton.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Conservatives have always held that people know better than government how to spend money. That's the catchphrase they've always used with "liberals" to justify lower taxes. Lets harken back to classic Greek logic to learn something about the modern day "conservatives."

1. The majority of the population does not support the war in Iraq.
2. The "conservative" government" has made it clear that they will not leave Iraq and will continue to fund all Iraq War operations with taxpayer money.
3. Therefore, the "conservatives" feel that they know better than the people how their money should be spent.

Simple as that. These people are not conservative at all. They may say that they have cut taxes to allow the people to spend their money as they see fit. But this isn't true. They've overseen the greatest spending increase since the so called "Great Society" of LBJ...maybe ever earlier. So they've been masters over a massive expansion of government decision making...and cloak this under some tax cuts that mostly benefit the rich. This is not is irresponsibility masked by good powerpoint presentations and well crafted talking points. Tomorrow vote Democrat, independent, or abstain.