Monday, July 24, 2006

Other notes...

So Wilsonion Bush's brassy, yet naive, goal of spreading democracy across the globe ain't going so damn good. To wit:
  • Hizbollah kidnaps some guys and Israel bombs the burgeoning democracy Lebanon back to the stone age. This seems akin to my desire to napal Kevin Martin's house in 1983 after he stole my trumpet. But, in reality, Kevin's house wasn't all that close to democracy.
  • The wacky-Pakistani's bombed out a subway in Mumbai. Again, I was just pissed about my trumpet.
  • There's a 100 people getting killed in Baghdad everyday in a pretty gruesome manner. All of it purely sectarian. I never had a problem with Kevin Martin's family, although I heard his brother turned out one valve short of a cornet.
  • Crazy-asses in Mogadishu trupeted the fact that Islamic radicals have staged a coup d'etat in Somalia demanding a pure Islamic republic. Ethiopia has invaded to prevent Somalia from returning to the bin Laden haven it was back in the nineties.
  • Afghanistan is way fuckin' out of control. Seems that the suicide bombing craze has reached this land where you could just as well get all fucked up on the trumpet-shaped opium poppies
  • Iran has been showing the world some serious brass in supporting Hizbollah and flouting the neutered UN, and the so called Bush-doctrine has about as much teeth as a 100 year old grandmother.
  • Kooky Kim Jong Il in North Korea has been prancing around like he has a mouthpiece up is ass chunking missiles into the Sea of Japan. Given Iraq, North Korea and Iran feel like they have the world by the E-valve.

So what theme runs through all these humongous problems? If you said the trumpet fanfare of fanatical nutcases, your right. Has our horny foreign policy helped? Bush loves to show brass, but will it work? (by the way, I've had a few drinks...)

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